A message to my Secret Santa

I have just taken part in a Secret Santa exchange.

For those unfamiliar with this festive office favourite, the names of the people taking part are randomly drawn from a hat by each individual. You are then tasked with buying a gift for that person within a set price limit, usually of around five pounds. Continue reading

Why do mice have to explode?

For the fourth time in five years – which admittedly isn’t that regular – a mouse has exploded in close proximity to our bedroom. If you’ve ever had an exploding mouse incident, you will be all too familiar with the vile, sick inducing smell that follows. Continue reading

Is there anything good about winter?

Snow: it’s cold

Can anyone think of anything that is good about winter?

Something that really makes you believe that winter is the best season of all. Anything? Anyone? Nope, thought not. I don’t think there is a single thing that can justify winter as being classed as ‘good’ or even ‘remotely OK’. I nearly made the suggestion of sitting in front of a roaring fire, which is fantastic until it goes out. So that doesn’t count. And I’d much rather be outside sat under a roaring sun instead. Continue reading