Cruise blog: Find me some chickpeas Moondust, acupressure might actually work

People who believe that reflexology and acupressure treatments actually work are generally the same sort of people who take advice from horoscopes, visit clairvoyants to transmit messages to the deceased and think that WWE wrestling matches are spur of the moment fights.

They also probably eat a lot of organic chick peas, wear curtains, name their children ‘Moondust’ and attend the Glastonbury Festival without seeing any music performances, apart from the odd nose flute soloist.
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Cruise blog: intro

I don’t normally like travelling on boats. Although when I say ‘I’, what I really mean is ‘my head and stomach’ do not like it.

Personally, I have no problem with the idea of traversing vast oceans, lakes or rivers. It’s just that to do it, one has to float on expanses of wetness that unfortunately have the habit of wobbling quite a bit, and which therefore makes me ill. Continue reading