Blood pressure monitor = Machine of Horror

Some things in life are not scary at all. Things like carpets, pencils and golden syrup. Then there are things that are most definitely scary. Things like heights, spiders and Big Bird from Sesame Street.

And then there are things that don’t appear to be very scary at first, but on closer inspection are absolutely terrifying. In this category we have skiing, vindaloo and Boris Johnson. Plus one other that I’ve only recently discovered.

Blood pressure monitors.

I should clarify that not all blood pressure monitors are terrifying; that would be a huge injustice to the whole blood pressure family, particularly to those that inhabit hospitals, surgeries and health centres the world over. My accusation is pointing firmly at the self-administered types of machine that can easily be purchased and used at home. Particularly by medically squeamish people (wimps) like me.

To be blunt, they are pant-wettingly horrific to the point of vomiting.

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