Tieless in Tokyo

Front 72 dpi‘Tieless in Tokyo’ is the title of Anthony’s brilliantly entertaining debut book. Available in both paperback and for the Kindle, he describes in hilarious fashion the ten days that he spent exploring the Japanese capital.

Light-hearted, humorous, and uproariously funny, join him on an amusing amble through the streets of Tokyo, where you can take a swim in Shinjuku, go on a hunt for breakfast swords, discover English literate ducks, throw cat food at fish, pretend to be a rock-star, experience a bottom full of pins, participate in a spot of kiosking!, travel on trains with crustaceans, marvel at a golden tadpole, commute like a local, travel up the moving stairs of job oblivion, sympathise with a bullied skyscraper, nearly get attacked by zombies and learn how to make a stairwell interesting.

Although it’s a must for all armchair travellers everywhere, it’s also a thoroughly enjoyable and entertaining read. But then I would say that, because I wrote it.

Tieless in Tokyo – available worldwide from your local Amazon store.

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